podcast Episode 3.5
if you build it,
will they come?

“She had spent over a week passive aggressively applying for this job. But sometimes when you pass—even when it’s aggressively—you get intercepted.”
Ty’s privileged life has left her unable to fight for what she wants since it's always been given to her. But after missing out on her dream job, she seeks the insight of her father to help her understand how to interpret the weaknesses in her adult game.
Episode narrated by Kayona Ebony Brown
Written, recorded, and produced by Kayona Ebony Brown at Siingle Studios in Washington, DC
listed in order of appearance in the episode
Logo design and graphics:
The OM&M Team
Music for this episode provided by...
Jazz Mezzo by @Unminus
Track: Jazzy — LiQWYD [Audio Library Release]Music provided by Audio Library Plus
Watch: youtu.be/B5Pa7rp8Gak
Free Download / Stream: alplus.io/jazzy
Word of the episode: The Miracle of Flight by @ScottBuckley
Sound effects: Envato
Edited with Adobe Creative Cloud and Filmstro
To have your music considered for placement in the show, send us a link where it can be streamed and downloaded. Soundcloud and Bandcamp are two great sites to do so. Click here to submit your music.