podcast Episode 3.4
The xs and os

“It’s about you, the woman, taking your place as the true leader. You have to show them the way, or they will be lost and you will never have the life, the love… the pleasure that you want and deserve!”
J’s career as a journalist has had its ups and down, but it’s one of the most rewarding aspects of her life. That… and, of course, sex. But after interviewing an enigmatic feminist artist, she realizes that after all this time and energy with men, she’s not utilizing her full feminine power, and is thus not being fully satisfied.
Episode narrated by Kayona Ebony Brown
Written, recorded, and produced by Kayona Ebony Brown at Siingle Studios in Washington, DC
listed in order of appearance in the episode
Logo design and graphics:
The OM&M Team
Music for this episode provided by...
TFB3 by Vibe tracks
Lay Me Down by LiQWYD
Free download: hypeddit.com/link/ezykpz
Music by @LiQWYD
Word of the episode: Midsommar by @ScottBuckley
Sound effects: Envato
Edited with Adobe Creative Cloud and Filmstro
To have your music considered for placement in the show, send us a link where it can be streamed and downloaded. Soundcloud and Bandcamp are two great sites to do so. Click here to submit your music.