Episode 2.3 – Men of a Certain Age

podcast Episode 2.3

Men of a Certain age


"When I turned 18, I finally got my first car—an already sixteen-year-old Nissan Altima. It was taupe inside, aubergine on the outside, and before I’d been the owner a full year, all four hubcaps had already mysteriously vanished, seemingly all at once. But the cool thing was: when I was really feeling nostalgic, I could pop in a cassette tape because the player still worked, although that was probably the only thing that still functioned without some kind of jimmy-rig to assist its operation."

Kenya agrees to go out with a men in his 40s, although she has second thoughts, when she hangs out with her longtime male friend her age, she starts to wonder if older men might actually be better.



Episode narrated by Kayona Ebony Brown


Written, recorded, and produced by Kayona Ebony Brown at Siingle Studios in Washington, DC


listed in order of appearance in the episode

Music for this episode provided by...

Sad Circus x Unminus (free download)


Additional music for this episode is from Filmstro, arranged and designed for this episode by Kayona

Word of the episode: Soar by Scott Buckley

Sound effects: Envato 

Edited with Adobe Creative Cloud and Filmstro

To have your music considered for placement in the show, send us a link where it can be streamed and downloaded. Soundcloud and Bandcamp are two great sites to do so. Click here to submit your music.

Logo design and graphics:
The OM&M Team

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