Episode 1.6 – Fair Weather

Episode 1.6

fair weather

Have you ever thought about your level of comfort--I mean in life? To live--comfortably, that is--in Washington, DC, let’s face it: you need… money. Lots and lots of money. In fact, according to some very reputable sources, only four other cities in this country will cost you more to make a decent, comfortable life for yourself.

See, when we talk about existing in relative comfort, the thing we always overlook is the local business. In 2019, we almost lost Sankofa to taxes--the ones that any store with the word “mart” in its name would get a break on without even trying.



Episode narrated by Kayona Ebony Brown


Written, recorded, and produced by Kayona Ebony Brown at Siingle Studios in Washington, DC


listed in order of appearance in the episode

All music for this episode provided by Filmstro - arranged for this episode by Kayona

Virgo by Mikael Manvelyan

Laundrette by Mona Wonderlick - Free download - Subscribe to Mona Wonderlick's YouTube Channel: Mona Wonderlick

Credits music: by Luca Francini

Word of the episode: Sleep by Scott Buckley 

Sound effects: Audio Blocks 

Edited with Adobe Creative Cloud and Filmstro

To have your music considered for placement in the show, send us a link where it can be streamed and downloaded. Soundcloud and Bandcamp are two great sites to do so. Click here to submit your music.

Logo design and graphics:
The OM&M Team

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